Quiz Answers

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1 Orsett News - Christmas 1885

2 Dr Oonagh Mc Donald - June 1976

3 Tilbury Housing Scheme - April 1919

4 Dancing in the Park - June 1905

5 Aveley Mammoths - August 1964

6 Filming at Tilbury - June 1929

7 Seabrooke's sold - April 1929

8 Tilbury Docks opening - April 1896

9 Watchman guards Belhus - April 1950                                                                                             

10 Queens Hotel fire - September 1890

11 New T.S. Exmouth - August 1905

12 Families in floods - February 1953

13 Thameside Theatre - November 1971

14 Flint's records Advertisment - October 1920

15 Queen Elizabeth II Bridge - July 1991

16 Bata Factory - January 1932

17 Naked in Grays - September 1886

18 Wartime gardening - March 1940

19 Recruits leave Grays - September 1914

20 Snowballing a policeman - January 1887

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